It was a Saturday afternoon, just before lunchtime. Ken had just finished putting paint to canvas. We met in Mousehole harbour and I followed him to his studio chatting on the way. He invited me into studio and his personal space that he shares with his wife Dora.
Kens world is unique. Surrounded by volumes of canvas and paints of Cornwall and all that he loves to paint. The walls were filled to the brim. Oils, brushes covered most of the surfaces inside his studio. I spotted a self portrait of Ken to one side. It was so life like. I only knew of the portrait work he did when he painted the Queen. Id also associated Ken with landscapes if Im honest.
His studio is more than a studio, it's his and Dora's very personal space and his lovely home.
Huge vaulted ceilings,large exposed wooden beams and skylights that throw natural light into the space below