Some time ago, I picked up a Kodak pocket Instamatic 100 at a local car boot sale, put a roll of film through it and here are a few of the results, finally. Sorry for the delay.
Firstly, a little background on this little point and shoot fella if I may. It’s a very basic snapshot camera that introduced the 110 format. This format is still available from those lovely people at Analogue Wonderland, both black and white and colour. The spec on it is a 25mm lens, f/11 Triplet shutter, shots at 1/60f with a developed image size of 13 x 17.
With all that in mind, here a just are just a few of the images I took with it.
Yes, they are grainy! What would you expect from a tiny plastic lens. Remember this, its a very basic point and shot compact film camera of the period, the 1970’s. I wasn’t expecting anything less than heavy grain. But here’s the thing, the camera handled colour well and Im happy with the results. They do have a period look to them if Im honest which is rather engaging.
So, the conclusion of shooting a roll of 110 for me with this little fella was all about having a bit of fun. I love to see how old cameras and formats look today and in some respect they looked like they did the 70’s, when the only choice was film. Today on the photography front, it all seems to be all about how sharp your image can be rather than value as an image. Would I use it again? of course I would. RD